Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Stitches In Wool

As promised, I have some in-progress quilt peeks to share! I'm really enjoying putting this one together. It's busy, random (yet balanced), with crooked lines and casual curves. The color scheme is red, pale green, gray, black, and a dash of white. Lots of wools and suiting material thrown in with the delicately patterned cotton prints--this is definitely my style. I may end up tie-quilting this one with a deep teal colored yarn (yummy), but it's still to early to know for sure.I only have a fraction of this neat black crane fabric and I've been holding onto it for the past couple of years waiting for the right project to come along. I'm so glad to finally get to incorporate it into this quilt.
I think this tiny little bit is my favorite part of the patchwork so far. It looks like the woolen fabrics ripped apart and the minty floral is tearing through...

Overall, the portion I have completed thus far is about 36x76". I'm not sure yet how big it will be, but probably about 90x76". Looking back on my other quilt, it's amazing how different these two are! Despite their differences however, the binding I made for the previous one was the jumping off point for this current quilt. Everything is connected...

I have quite the amount of sketching to do, so I must call it a night. Hope you have a great evening/morning, whatever your time zone may be!

Friday, September 02, 2011

Old Is New Again

I recently did a little studio purge and cleaning and happened to re-discover a couple older unframed paintings that never made it online for sale. Time to remedy that whole situation! "New" in the shop, but at a discount off their original gallery prices, I give you:
acrylic on hardboard
And also...
acrylic and gold composite leaf on illustration board and vintage record sleeve
10.25 x 9.75" on 13.5 x 13.5" white backing board

You may remember seeing these two as they made brief appearances before their shows. Once I got them back from the galleries, they went into dark corners of the studio never to see the light of day again. I'm hoping that by listing them online, they'll eventually find new homes to fly off to...

Happy weekend plans to you all, whatever they may be! I'll be working at the wildlife shelter, going on a couple day hikes in the mountains, and perhaps doing some mad patchwork sewing in the evenings. I'll be back on Tuesday to show some of those quilt glimpses.