It's cloudy and drizzly and dark favorite kind.
The midday natural light was so soft and dim that I quickly snapped a couple photos of a portion of my natural history collection display shelf.
Stacks of urchins and jars of feathers...An old book plate depicting varieties of anemones that I framed up a while back...Crab shells and rocks and various bits and bobs...In the studio, I have this old box of mostly bird illustrations that I've cut up and set aside for collages and inspiration. I've used some of them, but I really just enjoy looking at the melange of different bird heads and colors all living hectically (yet peacefully) together.
All materials herein (photos, artwork, content, etcetera) are protected by copyright. Original content may not be used or reproduced without my permission (friendly blogging and linking is always welcome, however).
What a magical assortment of birds!! And I love your wee urchin-stack!
Thank you so much, my dear! :)
Are those really urchins? You've got rear and great collections.
I love your blog! Beautiful!
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